TC304 on Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for Case Histories of Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Management in Engineering Practice that will be published in ISSMGE’s International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories ( Well-documented case histories with detailed site characterization data and performance/monitoring data to assess field performance are particularly welcome. Case histories may relate to:
- Geostatistics and probabilistic site characterization
- Quantification of uncertainties in performance prediction
- Reliability-based design
- Risk-based decision analysis
- Calibration of LRFD-type geotechnical design codes
- Project risk management
Interested authors are encouraged to submit a 300-word abstract by 30 June 2020 to Guest Editor Dr. Andy Y.F. Leung at [email protected].
Authors will be notified shortly after about the acceptance of their abstract. Submission date of full papers is 31 October 2020. Please consult the Journal’s submission guidelines before you submit your paper. All papers will go through a peer-review process. Publication of this special issue is expected in February 2021.