The International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is a journal of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the only platinum-level open access journal in the geotechnical engineering field. Platinum-level open access means that the journal makes all its papers, freely available to everyone in an unrestricted manner and without any costs for readers or authors. We consider platinum open access a necessity to ensure equitable access to all professionals, students and researchers so that we can truly advance geotechnical engineering practice globally.
Our journal is fully funded by a limited number of forward-looking companies and organizations. These organizations cover the journal’s expenses and ensure its sustainable growth. We wish to recognize the Shamsher Prakash Foundation, Geosyntec Consultants, Dar, and Conetec who have been supporting us for many years.
We use these funds to pay for the administration, review, language editing and typesetting of all papers accepted through our review process. We also use them to support the ever-growing geospatial database of all our papers and to archive the accompanying supplemental data of our papers. These characteristics make the Case Histories Journal truly unique in the field.
If your organization’s philosophy supports global equity to resources, commitment to technical excellence and is interested in giving back to the Profession we serve, please consider supporting this journal and reach out to us by responding to this message. In recognition of your support, we will make sure that your organization is acknowledged in a number of ways as a support organization, including in each and every paper downloaded from our journal in the next year. Just in 2021, we already have 80,000+ downloads of our published papers, a truly amazing impact of publications in our field.
On behalf of the ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, we invite you to join us in pushing the Profession forward through this journal!
The Co-Editors in Chief,
![]() Dimitrios Zekkos University of California at Berkeley |
![]() Jean-Louis Briaud |