Special Issues Policy
Special issues of the International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories are organized by the Liaisons of the Technical Committees of ISSMGE, with the intent to advance the engineering practice with outstanding case history documentation and lessons learned from case histories. In addition, representatives of Member Societies of ISSMGE, or other groups can organize a special issue following communication with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
A special issue will need to comply with all the review procedures of the journal to ensure the quality of the publication. One or two individuals will need serve as Guest Editors and will be responsible to solicit high quality papers. All submitted papers to the International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories papers will go through the peer-review process of the journal involving our Editorial Board members, TC liaisons and potentially additional qualified reviewers. Papers need to be on well-documented case histories of geotechnical interest. The specific focus of a special issue may be on a specific scientific area, technology, or geographic region.
For the publication of a complete issue, four papers are required. Therefore, it is recommended that more abstracts and papers are solicited to ensure the publication of a complete issue. More than one special issue can also be published if this is desired and following an agreement with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
A detailed description of the timeline and steps involved in the special issue preparation, are provided: Download Guidelines
Instructions on how Guest Editors can use the paper review system will also be provided.