The May 25th 2011 Railroad Embankment Failure in Ann Arbor, Michigan, As a Means for Teaching Geotechnical Engineer: Supplementary Material

Photos, Videos, Background and News Coverage

Instructors interested in using the case study in their courses can write to ([email protected]) and ask for media related files or stand-alone versions of the figures included in the paper.

Characterization Data


Below is a sequence of project assignments that have been used by Prof. Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos at the University of Michigan in teaching the case history. They are provided below for use by other interested instructors:
Project_Part 1
Project_Part 2
Project_Part 3
Project_Part 4

Analysis Files

Instructors interested in using the case study in their courses can write to ([email protected]) and ask for media related files or stand-alone versions of the figures included in the paper.


Zekkos, D., Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, A., Grizi, A., Greenwood, W. (2016). The May 25th 2011 Railroad Embankment Failure in Ann Arbor, Michigan, As a Means for Teaching Geotechnical Engineer, Vol. 3, Issue 4, p.234-245. doi: 10.4417/IJGCH-03-04-03

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