
This Special Issue includes eight recent case histories that demonstrate the developments and applications of geotechnical risk assessment and management approaches in engineering practice.
The inherent variability of geomaterials and the associated uncertainty in their properties have long been recognized as key contributing factors to project risks. Recent years have seen rapid theoretical developments on the characterization and evaluation of geotechnical uncertainty, and the approaches that quantify the propagation of such into risks in engineering system performance. This Special Issue is a showcase of these various aspects, with studies adopting a wide range of techniques from geostatistical analysis, random field modelling to machine learning approaches, addressing practical issues that include subsurface characterization, performance of dams and embankments, geogrid-reinforced soil walls, soil liquefaction and beyond. As such, the Special Issue was prepared with the aim to bridge the gap between research and practice in areas of geotechnical risk assessment and management.
Leung, A. Y. (2021). Editorial, Vol. 6, Issue 4, p.i-ii. doi: 10.4417/IJGCH-06-04-00
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4417/IJGCH-06-04-00
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